Development Partners

The Port of Pasco recognizes the importance to taking a broader role in economic development. It’s about taking leadership in helping create a strategic, long-range plan for the region, assisting with business development programs and working cooperatively with community and regional partners. We believe our economic development efforts help keep our talented workforce here and create new opportunities for workforce development.

Together with City of Pasco, Franklin County, Hispanic Chamber, Pasco Chamber, Pasco School District, Columbia Basin College and other Tri-Cities community organizations and businesses, we are seeking a shared vision for Pasco’s future we know as Somos Pasco.

Many of our economic development decisions are driven by data, and is great source for a wide variety of data regarding our region. We are also proud to work with the following economic development partners:

Columbia Basin Project

Tri-Cities Development Council

Visit Tri-Cities

Pasco Chamber of Commerce

Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber

City of Pasco

Franklin County

Franklin PUD

The Port of Pasco Economic Development Corporation meetings are open to the public and are typically held the first meeting of the new year in the Port of Pasco, Administration Office. This date may change and new dates will be posted on the Port's website. Meeting agendas will be posted at least two days before the scheduled meeting.